Probation Violations


Probation Violations

If you have entered a plea to a criminal charge, it is likely that you will be placed upon probation. Probation is an alternative to incarceration which permits you to serve a sentence (either deferred or suspended) out of custody.

While on probation, you are subject to very strict rules. These rules could include:


Frequent reporting to a probation officer;


Prohibit the purchase of alcohol or going to bars;


Require you to live within a specific geographic area;


Prevent association with certain individuals;


Impose a curfew;


Require frequent drug testing;


Prevent you from possession a firearm (including firearms used for hunting);


Monthly payments to the office of probation.

If you fail to comply with each of the terms or conditions of probation, an Application to Accelerate or an Application to Revoke could be filed against you. This means that the prosecutor has alleged that you have not complied with the terms of probation, and as such should be punished.

Punishment for probation violations could include minor sanctions (such as extension of probation period, modification of conditions of probation, imposition of specific requirements). Probation violations could also carry severe penalties, including incarceration for an extended period of time. Additionally, if an Application has been filed in your case, the judge will also issue a warrant for your arrest.

If you have been charged with a probation violation, contact Parrish Law Group. Our skilled attorneys have successfully obtained the best possible outcomes, including dismissal of the probation violations.

Schedule a Consultation

If you or a loved one are facing criminal charges, it’s crucial to act promptly. Reach out to us to schedule a consultation where we can discuss your case, answer your questions, and outline potential defense strategies. Our goal is to alleviate your concerns, guide you through the legal process, and stand by your side as a fierce advocate. At Parrish Law Group, we are committed to safeguarding your rights, preserving your freedom, and pursuing justice on your behalf. Contact us today to take the first step toward a strong defense.

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